Toward Creation of a New World History

Toward Creation of a New World History

Haneda Masashi
Translated by Noda Makito

Japan Library series
Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture


¥2,700 + tax

ISBN 9784866580234
210 mm x 148 mm / 200 pp. / March 2018

Today, as globalization deepens daily and the world becomes increasingly integrated, the time has come to revise the conventional Euro-centric view on world history. Haneda Masashi has been exploring for several years now how best to create a new world history. The world history that we learn and understand today is already out of step with the times. Therefore, it is imperative to envisage a new world history that is suitable to our own time.

What description of history, then, is appropriate for our contemporary times? To answer this question, the author first reviews what kind of perception we have of world history and what is wrong with it. Subsequently, he looks into what is the new world history that is called for and how it can be created. Haneda finds that more and more people are behaving with an awareness of themselves as inhabitants of this earth, willing to mutually transcend differences of views so as to defend this one and only earth of ours and let people the world over live more peacefully and happily.

On the basis of these soul-searching explorations, the author comes to propose a world history for inhabitants of the earth from the viewpoint of “there is one world.”


HANEDA Masashi
Haneda Masashi is executive vice president of the University of Tokyo and a professor of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA) at the University of Tokyo, and his field of specialty is global and world history. Born in 1953, Haneda earned his B.A. and M.A. at Kyoto University, and Doctorat de troisième cycle (Ph.D.) at Université de Paris III in 1983. He served as Associate professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Tachibana Women’s College (present-day Kyoto Tachibana University), visiting scholar at CNRS (France) and the University of Cambridge, associate professor at IASA in 1989, professor at IASA in 1997, director of IASA 2009–12, and vice president of the University of Tokyo 2012–15 before assuming his current position. He is the author of Le chāh et les Qizilbāš (K. Schwarz, 1987), and editor of Islamic Urban Studies (Kegan Paul, 1994). His publication in the Japanese language include Isuramu sekai no sōzō [Creating the notion of the Islamic world] (University of Tokyo Press, 2005); Iwanami Isuramu jiten [Iwanami dictionary of Islam] (editor, Iwanami Shoten, 2002); Mosuku ga kataru Isuramushi [Islamic history as told by Mosques] (Chuo Koronsha, 1994); and Higashi Indo Gaisha to ajia no umi [East India Companies and Asian water] (Kodansha, 2007).

*information as of time of publication

Japan Library series

Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

¥2,700 + tax
ISBN 9784866580234
210 mm x 148 mm / 200 pp. / March 2018

ISBN 9784866580456 (ePub)
ISBN 9784866580357 (PDF)

Preface to the English Edition / Preface to the Japanese Edition / Introduction: The Power of History / 1. Tracing the History of World History / 2. Problems with the Present World History / 3. Road to a New World History / 4. Conceiving a New World History / Epilogue: Renovation of Modern Knowledge / Afterword / Bibliography


羽田 正
1953年 7月生まれ
1976年 京都大学文学部史学科卒業
1978年 京都大学大学院文学研究科東洋史学(西南アジア史学)修了、同博士後期課程進学
1980年 パリ第3大学博士課程留学
1983年 Doctorat de troisième cycle (Etudes iraniennes)取得
1986年 京都橘女子大学文学部助教授
1989年 東京大学東洋文化研究所助教授
1997年 同教授2009年 同所長(2012年3月まで)
2012年 東京大学副学長・国際本部長(2015年3月まで)
2016年 東京大学理事・副学長

Le chah et les Qizilbaš. Le système militaire safavide, Klaus Schwarz Verlag (Berlin), 1987.



Original Japanese Edition


羽田 正 著

岩波書店 刊
