Japan, Korea, and the Takeshima Secret Pact

Japan, Korea, and the Takeshima Secret Pact

Territorial Conflict and the Formation of the Postwar East Asian Order

Daniel Roh
Translated by Marie Speed

Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture


¥4,300 + tax

ISBN 9784866582498
210 mm x 148 mm / 244 pp. / March 2024

ISBN 9784866582504 (ePub)
ISBN 9784866582511 (PDF)

“A solution without a solution.” In 1965, a secret pact concluded between the leaders of Japan and South Korea quietly shelved territorial dispute over the island of Takeshima (Dokdo), setting the course for normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Several well-known figures were active in the complex and convoluted political maneuvering and backroom negotiations that helped bring the pact to fruition. For the first time ever, this book—including personal accounts from those who were directly involved—reveals the painstaking work behind the scenes to mend the fraught relationship between Japan and South Korea by conceiving the most subtle of solutions. And yet the pact and all that it achieved would mysteriously be erased from history. How and why did this happen? Winner of the Asia Pacific Award, Japan and Korea’s Secret Pact on Takeshima is a fascinating look into the intricate process of mending diplomatic relations and the small island that was the center of it all.

Daniel ROH
Daniel Roh is a writer, researcher, and scholar on political economy and Asian history. Born in 1954 in Seoul, he received his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in comparative political economy. His extensive professional experience includes working as professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, visiting professor at The People’s Bank of China’s Research Department and Shanghai’s Tongji University, foreign researcher at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, and visiting researcher at Hitotsubashi University and Kyoto Sangyo University. In 2015, he established Asia Risk Monitor, Inc. in Seoul, where he currently evaluates political and economic risks in Northeast Asia. His other publications in Japanese include “Chisei shinri” de kataru: Hantō to rettō [Geopolitical Mentalities of the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Archipelago] (Fujiwara Shoten, 2017) and in Korean, Abe Sinjo no Ilbon [Abe Shinzō’s Japan] (Sechang Publishing, 2014) and the novel Ginugawa [The Kinugawa River] (Nanam, 2010).

*information as of time of publication


Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

¥4,300 + tax
ISBN 9784866582498
210 mm x 148 mm / 244 pp. / March 2024

ISBN 9784866582504 (ePub)
ISBN 9784866582511 (PDF)

Key Personnel / Changes in Fishery Zones and Territorial Waters in Relation to Takeshima / Outline of Formal Talks in the Negotiations for the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations / Prologue How Was the “Solution without a Solution” Reached? / Chapter 1 The Years at Sea / 1. The Root of the Territorial Dispute / 2. Establishment of the Syngman Rhee Line, Severance of Japan-ROK Diplomatic Relations / 3. Kishi Nobusuke’s Bold Conciliation Policy / 4. The Two Leaders Step Down / Chapter 2 The Japan Diplomacy of Uncle and Nephew / 1. The Emergence of a Pro-Japanese Administration / 2. The Japan-ROK Talks Get Underway / 3. Ōno Banboku and the Japan-ROK Lobby Line / 4. The Battle over Claims Funds / 5. The Syngman Rhee Line Disappears / Chapter 3 The New Japan-ROK Lobby / 1. Disappearance of the Ōno Banboku-Kim Jong-pil Line / 2. Emergence of the “Charge Cabinet” / 3. Operators on the Kōno Ichirō-Jeong Il-kwon Line / Chapter 4 The Takeshima Secret Pact / 1. Kōno Ichirō Takes Charge / 2. Settling the Fisheries Issue / 3. Formation of the Takeshima Secret Pact / 4. Giving Shape to the Secret Pact / 5. The Politics of the Secret Pact / Chapter 5 Two Losses / 1. Loss of the Document / 2. Loss of the Spirit That Produced the Pact / Epilogue How Can We Take Up the Wisdom of Our Predecessors? / Afterword / Afterword to the Pocket Edition / Developments Related to the Takeshima Issue / Key Works and References / Index / About the Author




Original Japanese Edition


ダニエル・ロー 著

草思社 刊


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