Japan's Quest for Stability in Southeast Asia

Japan's Quest for Stability in Southeast Asia

Navigating the Turning Points in Postwar Asia

Miyagi Taizo
Translated by Hanabusa Midori

Japan Library series

Political Science


ISBN 9781138103726
234 mm x 157 mm / 156 pp. / January 2018


ISBN 9780367322281
234 mm x 157 mm / 156 pp. / May 2019


ISBN 9781351592468 (ePub)
ISBN 9781351592475 (PDF)
December 2017

More than any other region in the world, Asia has witnessed tremendous change in the post-war era. A continent once engulfed by independence and revolution, and later by the Cold War and civil war, has now been transformed into the world’s most economically dynamic region. What caused this change in Asia? The key to answering this question lies in the post-war history of maritime Asia and, in particular, the path taken by the maritime nation of Japan.

Analysing the importance of Japan’s relationship with Southeast Asia, this book therefore aims to illustrate the hidden trail left by Japan during the period of upheaval that has shaped Asia today—an era marked by the American Cold War strategy, the dissolution of the British Empire in Asia, and the rise of China. It provides a comprehensive account of post-war maritime Asia, making use of internationally sourced primary materials, as well as declassified Japanese government papers. As such, Japan's Quest for Stability in Southeast Asia will be useful to students and scholars of Japanese Politics, Asian Politics and Asian History.

Taizo Miyagi is Professor in the Faculty of Global Studies at Sophia University, Japan. His recent publications include Gendai Nihon gaiko-shi (History of Contemporary Japanese Diplomacy, 2016).

*information as of time of publication


Political Science


ISBN 9781138103726
234 mm x 157 mm / 156 pp. / January 2018

ISBN 9780367322281
234 mm x 157 mm / 156 pp. / May 2019

ISBN 9781351592468 (ePub)
ISBN 9781351592475 (PDF)
December 2017

List of illustrations / Foreword to the English edition / About the author / Prologue / 1. The birth of “Asia” / 2. Japan’s “southward advance” and its repercussions / 3. Seeking to influence the course of decolonization / 4. The turning point of postwar Asia—1965 / 5. The thawing of the Asian Cold War / Epilogue / Afterword / Bibliography / Index

"Japan’s Quest for Stability in Southeast Asia is an instructive lesson in engagement. Although geographically at the center of the newly conceived Indo-Pacific region, Southeast Asia is being sidelined by outsider visions."

Chad Kohalyk
Books on Asia


1968年東京都生まれ。92年、立教大学法学部を卒業後、96年までNHK記者。2001年、一橋大学大学院法学研究科博士課程修了。博士(法学)。現在は上智大学教授。著書に『バンドン会議と日本のアジア復帰』(草思社、2001年)、『戦後アジア秩序の模索と日本』(創文社、2004年、サントリー学芸賞・中曽根康弘賞受賞)、『現代日本外交史』(中公新書、2016年)、共編著として『戦後日本のアジア外交』(ミネルヴァ書房、2015年、国際開発研究大来賞受賞)、『普天間・辺野古 歪められた二〇年』(集英社新書、2016年)などがある。


Original Japanese Edition

「海洋国家」 日本の戦後史

宮城大蔵 著

筑摩書房 刊


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