From Party Politics to Militarism in Japan, 1924–1941

From Party Politics to Militarism in Japan, 1924–1941

Kitaoka Shinichi

JIIA series
Lynne Rienner Publishers

Political Science


ISBN 9781626378575
229 mm x 152 mm / 480 pp. / 2021


ISBN 9781626379169 (ePub)

The years in Japan between June 1924, when a coalition cabinet of three political parties was established, and December 1941, when the country declared war on the United States and Britain, were characterized first by nearly a decade of domestic and international cooperation—and then a period of oppressive militarism. Kitaoka Shinichi captures the essence of these years in Japans political history, stressing not only the discontinuities, but also the connections, between the two periods.

Kitaoka pays particular attention to the interaction of domestic and foreign affairs. He equally explores the conflicts between political parties and the military—as well as those among internal factions in both spheres. Connecting political issues to economic and social developments, his book serves as a comprehensive history of the period, a history that, in his words, “exemplifies the horrific damage that can result when a modern nation-state goes off course.”

KITAOKA Shinichi
Kitaoka Shinichi is president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency. Previously, he was president of the International University of Japan, and he has held posts, among others, as professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, and deputy permanent representative of Japan to the United Nations.

*information as of time of publication

Political Science

Lynne Rienner Publishers

ISBN 9781626378575
229 mm x 152 mm / 480 pp. / 2021

ISBN 9781626379169 (ePub)

List of Illustrations / 1. The Beginning of the Shōwa Period / 2. Japan in the Era of Party Politics / 3. Japan in Crisis / 4. Wartime Japan / Chronology / References / Index / About the Book


1948年(昭和23)奈良県生まれ。71年、東京大学法学部卒業、76年、同大学大学院博士課程修了。81~83年、プリンストン大学客員研究員。立教大学教授、東京大学教授を経て、政策研究大学院大学教授、国際大学学長。東京大学名誉教授。特命全権大使(日本政府国連代表部次席代表)歴任。2011年、紫綬褒章受章。専門は日本政治外交史。著書に、『清沢洌』(中公新書、サントリー学芸賞)、『日米関係のリアリズム』(中公叢書、読売論壇賞)、『自民党 政権党の38年』(読売新聞社、吉野作造賞)ほか(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです)。

Original Japanese Edition

日本の近代5:政党から軍部へ 1924~1941

北岡 伸一 著

中央公論新社 刊


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