Human Resource Development in Twentieth-Century Japan

Human Resource Development in Twentieth-Century Japan

Inoki Takenori
Translated by Tony Gonzalez

Japan Library series
Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

Social Sciences

¥3,900 + tax

ISBN 9784916055781
220 mm x 148 mm / 264 pp. / March 2017

For Japan, where natural resources are not abundant, the importance of human resources cannot be overstated. It is the person, and the person only, that determines economic wealth. So what characteristics will emerge when reviewing the economic development of modern Japan through its history of human resources formation?

In this book, we will examine the formation and allocation of human resources that brought about economic growth, focusing on the form of education and training in schools, companies, and the military. In particular, how are knowledge and skills delivered in a "have-not" country like Japan? Following transitions from the Edo period to the present age, we approach the core of Japanese systems from both historical and theoretical perspectives.

Born in 1945 in Shiga prefecture. Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Former Dean of Economics at Osaka University and Director of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. Specially-appointed Professor of Graduate School of Economics at Aoyama Gakuin University until March 2016. His primary English works include Aspects of German Peasant Emigration to the U.S.: 1845-1914 (Arno Press, 1981), Skill Formation in Japan and Southeast Asia (with Koike, K.) (University of Tokyo Press, 1991), and College Graduates in Japanese Industry (with Koike, K.) (Japan Institute of Labor, 2003). Primary Japanese works include Keizai seichō no kajitsu (Fruits of Economic Growth) (Chuokoron-Shinsha, 2000) and Jiyū to chitsujo: Kyōsō shakai no futatsu no kao (Freedom and Order: Two Faces of Competitive Society) (Chuokoron-Shinsha, 2001).

*information as of time of publication


Japan Library series
Business & Economics

Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

¥3,900 + tax
ISBN 9784916055781
220 mm x 148 mm / 264 pp. / March 2017

ISBN 9784866580036 (ePub)
ISBN 9784916055903 (PDF)

Foreword to the English Edition / Introduction / 1. Education in the Edo and Meiji Periods / 2. Industrialization and the Labor Force / 3. The Military and Industry / 4. Postwar Schools and Educational Investment / 5. Human Resource Development in Factories / 6. White-Collar Workers / 7. The Public Sector / 8. Emigration and Immigration / Conclusion / Works Cited / Appendix / About the Author





Original Japanese Edition

増補 学校と工場:二十世紀日本の人的資源

猪木武徳 著

筑摩書房 刊


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