The Book of Urushi

The Book of Urushi

Japanese Lacquerware from a Master

Matsuda Gonroku
Translated by Michael Brase and Komada Makiko
Supervised by Murose Kazumi

Japan Library series
Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

Art & Design

¥3,700 + tax

ISBN 9784866580609
210 mm x 148 mm / 256 pp. / March 2019

Urushi, Japanese lacquerware, is perhaps the oldest and most sublime of all the Japanese arts and crafts. Its history goes back more than 7,000 years, and it is still vibrantly alive today. It is practiced by craftsmen working in time-honored techniques and by modern artists forging the future. Valued for its utilitarian durability, urushi developed into an incomparable art, adorning a multitude of objects from luxurious palaces to lavish murals and exquisitely crafted fountain pens. The present book, written more than fifty years ago by the Living National Treasure Matsuda Gonroku, has long been a must-read for collectors, researchers, and laypeople. It is the “bible” of urushi, covering every conceivable aspect of the subject. It includes some fifty full-color illustrations of masterpieces honored by history and masterworks by Matsuda himself.

The present edition has been supervised by Murose Kazumi, a disciple of Matsuda’s and a Living National Treasure in his own right. His foreword enables the reader to acquire a broader understanding of the contents of the book and gain a deeper appreciation of its value and impact on the world of urushi.

Matsuda Gonroku (1896–1986) was born in 1896 into a farming family in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, an area endowed with a rich tradition in arts and crafts from premodern times. In February 1955, at the age of fifty-nine, he was designated a Living National Treasure by the Japanese government. In September, he took part in the repair of the National Treasure Chusonji Konjikido (repair complete in 1967). In April 1967, when he was seventy-one, the Ishikawa Prefectural Wajima Lacquer Technology Research and Training Institute opened, which he had so wholeheartedly supported, and he served as a lecturer. When he was ninety, he submitted his flat tea caddy with ivy design to the 3rd Japan Traditional Japanese Lacquer Exhibition. On June 15 of 1986, he passed away from heart failure.

*information as of time of publication

Japan Library series
Art & Design

Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

¥3,700 + tax
ISBN 9784866580609
210 mm x 148 mm / 256 pp. / March 2019

ISBN 9784866581057 (ePub)
ISBN 9784866580890 (PDF)

Foreword by Murose Kazumi / Color Plates 1: Works of Matsuda Gonroku / Color Plates 2: Traditional Masterpieces // Part I: Urushi and the Art of Urushi / 1. The History of Japanese Urushi Ware / 2. The Mysterious Tree Sap Called Urushi / 3. The Materials and Methods Used to Coat Urushi Ware / 4. Maki-e—Decorating Urushi Ware (1) / 5. Raden, Hyōmon, and Chōshitsu—Decorating Urushi Ware (2) // Part II: My Sixty Years with Urushi / 1. My Apprentice Years / 2. My Experience in Repairing Lelang Artifacts / 3. The Genesis of the Maki-e Fountain Pen and Its Influence / 4. Modern Architecture and Urushi Decoration / 5. My Experience in Urushi Decoration for Ship Interiors / 6. Urushi Today // Notes to the Text / Bibliography / Matsuda Gonroku Chronology / Index / Acknowledgments




Original Japanese Edition


松田権六 著

岩波書店 刊


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