International Politics and the Search for Peace

International Politics and the Search for Peace

Kōsaka Masataka
Foreword and Editorial Supervision by Tadokoro Masayuki
Translated by Carl Freire

Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

Political Science

ISBN 9784866580661
188 mm x 128 mm / 216 pp. / March 2023

ISBN 9784866580951 (PDF)
March 2023

Since ancient times, humanity has put its collective wisdom toward the effort of achieving peace in the world. And yet, wars nonetheless occur over and over again. Why does the crisis of war never go away? Is it possible to realize peace in the world? First published in 1966, this introductory text on international politics by eminent Japanese political scientist Kōsaka Masataka (1934–1996) has gone through more than 50 printings in his home country and remains in print today. In this work, framed by his interest in the problems of war and of peace, Kōsaka eschewed simply schematizing or idealizing international relations, let alone—as prewar Japanese diplomats and politicians had—giving up on developing an accurate understanding of the issue by simply dismissing it as too complex to understand. Kōsaka drew on the specific cases of arms reduction, economic exchange, and international mechanisms to analyze ongoing issues that are intertwined with national interests and ideologies. By doing so, he painted a systematic portrait of the problem of peace and how to achieve it.

KŌSAKA Masataka
Kōsaka Masataka taught international politics at Kyoto University from 1959 until his passing in 1996. The son of eminent scholar of German philosophy Kōsaka Masaaki, Masataka graduated from Kyoto University Law School and studied at Harvard University from 1960–1962. His 1963 article “Genjitsushugisha no heiwaron” (A Realist’s View of Peace) had a major impact on the discussion of diplomacy in postwar Japan. His numerous works include Saishō Yoshida Shigeru [Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru] (Tokyo: Chūōkōron Shinsha, 1968), Sekai chizu no naka de kangaeru [Thinking within the Map of the World] (Tokyo: Shinchōsha, 1968), Kotengaikō no seijuku to hōkai [Maturity and Collapse in Classical Diplomacy] (Tokyo: Chūōkōron Shinsha, 1978), and Fushigi no Nichi-Bei kankeishi (Tokyo: PHP Institute, 1996), which is available in English as The Remarkable History of Japan-US Relations (Tokyo: JPIC, 2019).

Tadokoro Masayuki (b. 1956) is a professor at International University of Japan and a professor emeritus of Keio University. In 1979, he graduated from Kyoto University where he was a student of Kōsaka Masataka. He also studied at the London School of Economics and has held visiting positions at various other institutions in the US, the UK, and Japan. He also serves as chief editor for the intellectual journal AΣTEION. His publications include Kokusai seiji-keizaigaku [International Political Economy] (Nagoya: University of Nagoya Press, 2008) and Ekkyō no kokusai seiji [International Politics of Immigration] (Tokyo: Yūhikaku, 2018). His publications in English include Japan as a ‘Normal Country’?: A Nation in Search of Its Place in the World (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011), edited with David Welch and Soeya Yoshihide.

*information as of time of publication

Political Science

Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture

ISBN 9784866580661
188 mm x 128 mm / 216 pp. / March 2023

ISBN 9784866580951 (PDF)
March 2023

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Licence
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Foreword / Preface / Introduction: Perspectives on the Problems of International Politics / Chapter 1: Arms and Peace / Chapter 2: Economic Exchanges and Peace / Chapter 3: International Organizations and Peace / Conclusion: The “Peaceful Nation” and the International Order / Notes / Bibliography / About the Author, Editorial Supervisor, and Translator


1934–1996。国際政治学者。京都大学教授。ドイツ哲学者・高坂正顕の次男として生まれる。京都大学法学部卒業。ハーバード大学留学(1960–1962)。1963年、『中央公論』に「現実主義者の平和論」を発表、戦後日本外交の研究に大きな影響を与えた。主な著書に『宰相吉田茂』(中央公論新社、1968)、『世界地図の中で考える』(新潮社、1968)、『古典外交の成熟と崩壊』(中央公論新社、1978)、『不思議の日米関係史』(PHP研究所、1996、英訳版として『The Remarkable History of Japan-US Relations』(JPIC、2019)刊行)。




Original Japanese Edition

国際政治:恐怖と希望 改版

高坂正堯 著

中央公論新社 刊


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