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Lost in Evolution
A book that will change how you think about humanity.
Even as societies are beset with turmoil...

The Lure of Pokémon
Video games are often thought to draw children out of nature and into isolated, closed spaces. In...

Making Xavier’s Dream Real
This book reveals how St. Francis Xavier’s (1506–1552) dream of evangelizing Japan has been...

Maritime Asia vs. Continental Asia
Shiraishi Takashi reflects on the diplomatic challenges facing the countries of Asia in today's...

Mixing Work with Pleasure
Toshio Suzuki has devoted himself to Studio Ghibli for some thirty years, producing such...

The Music of Color
“I have received color without limit from the natural world in the years since I entered the dyer’s...

Mutsu Munemitsu and His Time
Toward the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, Mutsu Munemitsu was ousted from his home Kishu-han as a...

Myth and Deity in Japan
Shinto is a tradition native to Japan that arose naturally on the eastern fringe of the Eurasian...

Noh as Living Art
Noh is recognized as one of the oldest and greatest theatrical traditions in the world. Embraced by...

The Occupation of Japan 1945–1952
Following its defeat in World War II, Japan was placed under the control of SCAP GHQ headed by...

One Hundred Fifty Years of Japanese Foreign Relations
This book traces the past 150 years of Japan's diplomatic history, focusing on the thoughts and...

The Pacific War and Japan's Diplomacy in Asia
Focusing on the significance of the Greater East Asia policies promoted by Prime Minister...